About Benjy

I initially strongly resisted adding an “about me” section to this Blog, mainly because my "trying-to-be-humble" self thinks this Blog is not about me. Anyway, I do see it prudent to portray the life events that foreshadowed the inspiration for this book.

So, here goes some awkward third-person narrative…

Kosuke Youngshin Benjamin Uyama (Benjy), a Second Generation Unificationist from North Carolina, USA, was born to a Welsh mother and a Japanese father. Benjy’s parents, Caroline & Mamoru Uyama, were matched and Blessed in marriage by the Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon in 1982 in the 6,000 couple Blessing.

September 2004 – Benjy first set off to Korea for study abroad. He studied Korean at an international school (General Orientation Program) for a year and a half, and then transferred to a traditional public Korean middle school in Seoul. Benjy shares his difficulty being the only non-Korean student in his class, but the lack of English speakers helped perpetuate his Korean proficiency. He graduated Gwan Yang Middle School as one of the top male students in his class.

October 2010 – Benjy was matched by True Parents and subsequently Blessed with a Japanese woman named Hitoe Suzaki. Luckily, she also spoke Korean because she had studied Unification Theology in Korea at Sun Moon University. To this day, Benjy & Hitoe continue to converse only in Korean.

Benjy studied Linguistics and East Asian Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

He has served as the Senior Pastor of the Unification Church of the Triangle in North Carolina.

In August of 2012, Rev. Sun Myung Moon appeared to Benjy in a dream, which later became the inspiration for his book, "Mi-Re: Learn Korean In 40 Days”


  1. Thanks for your efforts. If you could put some audio files online, this would be great.
    God bless you and your family.

    1. Hi there~ Audio files are now up and running. Also, I'e created a Video Tutorial series on YouTube dedicated to the readers and students of the book! Enjoy!

  2. Dear Benjy, I really appreciate your great efforts in making this book. Thank you. I've already started to advertise it in France as I find your idea so great but really started your method yesterday, reading Amazon's sample to check if your book would help.
    Yet, the audio links don't work anymore (UCProducts.org) or don't contain Korean audio anymore (learnlangs.com).
    In the worst case, I could try another method for the pronunciation part before going to the next in your book, but if it's just something small to correct on your side, I'll be glad if you could reactivate some of them or provide a new link please. :O)
    Thank you for your help!
